luiten: December 2004 Archives

December 26 Tucson 600 Yard Match


The Tucson Rifle Club held a combined Roy Dunlap 100 shot National Match Course and 40 shot 600 yard match on the day after Christmas. Twelve shooters fired "across the course", and an additional ten fired only at 600 yards. Scores for the two 600 yard stages were impressive, with Allen Elliot winning the overall and match rifle category with a 397-22X. High service rifle overall was Hunter Bachrach with a 385-11X. Highest match rifle scores in the individual stages were Greg Fallon's 200-10X and Allen Elliot's 199-8x. Best service rifle stages were fired by Dan Rodriguez, 196-9X, and Wally Tang, 195-8X. Complete 600 yard results are in the attached Excel spreadsheet.

For your advanced planning, our next 600 yard match will be a 60 shot event on Saturday, January 29, 2005.

December Smallbore Silhouette Match Results


Merry Christmas and we all had a good time ! Congratulations to Carl Bower in his match win today ! All that practice with a new air rifle paid off !. We finally had a winner on the Exploding Pig and that big $65 pot went to Tim Faras who tied then beat his niece, Jenn, in an exciting 4 shot- shoot off !
Next month is the PresidentÂ’s Cup match in Phoenix Ben Avery and there will be no match held here.

Ron A Calderone

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