luiten: December 2005 Archives

Tucson Senior Olympics High Power Rifle Match


Jan. 27, 2006
Registration 0730
Match starting 0800
Location: Tucson Rifle Club (on state Route 86 2 miles passed Robles Junction)
N.R.A. High Power Rules
Either Service or Match rifles. Iron sights only. No scoped rifles.
All shooting done at 100 yards using reduced targets.
Course of fire:
1. Five sighter shots prone slow fire followed by 20 slow fire prone in 25 minutes.
2. Rapid fire prone: ten shots fired in 70 seconds. One reload after 2 rounds (semi auto) or 5 five rounds (bolt action).
3. Rapid fire sitting: ten shots fired in 60 seconds. One reload after 2 or 5 five rounds.
4. Standing slow fire: Ten minutes to fire ten rounds.
5. Target: NRA Reduced 100 yard High Power Rifle
6. Total possible score: 500 points.
7. Awards given for age groups 50 - 54, 55 - 59, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, 75 - 79, 80 - 84. Separate awards for male and female competitors.
8. There will no separate awards for NRA Classification or rifle types.

All shooters must sign in at office prior to going to the 100 yard Black Powder Range.

Contact: Jeffrey Schneider work 791-4499x1156.

Tucson 600 Yard Match - December


On Saturday, December 31, 2005 we will be hosting another 600 yard high power rifle prone match at Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ. Details are as follows:

Tucson Smallbore Prone Results - December


Our monthly smallbore prone match was held on December 11, 2005, at Tucson Rifle Club. Six shooters attended in chilly, overcast weather but with minimal wind conditions. Complete results are on the attached Excel spreadsheet.

I am happy to announce that we have received approval to continue our matches for 2006. Our schedule will remain on the second Sunday of every month.

To summarize our 2005 season, a total of 20 shooters participated throughout the year, with an average of seven shooters per match. I had hoped to average nine or ten, so please consider attending more often and try to recruit a companion. Our match entry fees were just enough to cover the TRC range fees and one year's worth of targets. Thanks to all who attended and encouraged me to continue the program in 2006.

Our next match, therefore, will be on Sunday, January 8, 2006. See you then!

Greg Fallon
Match Director

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by luiten in December 2005.

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