March 2005 Archives

2005 Arizona Regionals Results


Thirteen TRC shooters made the trip up to Phoenix's Ben Avery Shooting Facility for the 2005 Arizona Regional Highpower Championships held from Friday 11 Mar through Sunday 13 Mar 05.

As is becoming their habit, they turned in award winning performances on all three days

TRC March Smallbore Prone Results


Seven shooters participated in the March 13, 2005 Smallbore Prone Rifle Match at Tucson Rifle Club under sunny skies and a moderate wind. The scope-equipped shooters ruled the day, with Bernice McKinney winning the 50 yard match (400-29x), Lee McKinney winning the 100 yard match (398-28x) and Greg Fallon winning the combination 50 yard/100 yard Dewar Match (397-21x). Lee McKinney had the high aggregate for the day (1194-84x) and Jim Denovchek was the high Iron Sight shooter (1148-31x).

Greg Fallon
Match Director

Washington's Birthday Highpower Rifle Match


The Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association.s Annual Washington's Birthday Highpower Rifle Match was fired at Ben Avery Shooting Facility on Sunday 13 February 2005. This was the 113th consecutive year making it the longest running annual highpower match in the country.

The course of fire is the standard 50-shot National Match Course. All firing was done at 200 yards using reduced targets to simulate the 300 and 600 yard stages.

As usual the match was filled to capacity with 43 teams totaling 172 shooters. For the second time in two years teams from Tucson Rifle Club were among them:

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