April 2005 Archives

Rifleman Challenge Match Results

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The annual TRC Rifleman Challenge was held April 9 on the 500 meter silhouette range. It was a cool, sunny day, but the wind (the usual TRC West to East) was blowing hard. Even the large caliber rifles needed some adjustment beyond 200 yards.
In the Mad Minute Stage, Dan, Matt, and Steve managed to post a respectable 17 hits on target. Not bad given that this was the first stage and the wind was terrible.
Dan and Justin scored highest on the AQT Stage at 14 hits a piece. Thanks to Maury for running this one.
CC and a number of others managed to clean the Challenge Stage at a maximum of 12 hits. But at 55 seconds total time, CC led the pack. (CC, you can cover my back any time.)
Finally, the match was running on time, so we tossed in a Man on Man Stage.
Matt took the Man on Man Stage that ended the match. Not bad shooting when you consider that Matt was using an AR-15 with iron sights and was shooting against folks using .308's with optics. Once a Marine, always a Marine I guess.
Scores sorted by Challenge Stage results are listed in the following spreadsheet.

Tucson Smallbore Prone Results - April

Nine shooters endured sunny skies, cool temperatures and strong variable headwinds during the April 10, 2004 Smallbore Rifle Prone match at the Tucson Rifle Club. Lee McKinney won the 50 yard match (398-21x) and the 100 yard match (389-14x) as well as the grand aggregate (1174-58x), while Greg Fallon was tops in the Dewar match (392-12x). We were happy to welcome our first Junior shooter, Kyle Martin, and we hope he'll return. Jeff Schneider chose to fire on the difficult 50 meter Olympic target in preparation for the Tucson Police/Fire games to be held next week at Tucson Rifle Club.

JC Garand Clinic Pictures are up

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See the High Power page and click on the clinic pictures links.

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