Match Results: October 2007 Archives

2007 CMP Western Games and Creedmoor Cup


The 2007 CMP Western Games and Creedmoor Cup held at Phoenix's Ben Avery Shooting Facility are now history

As usual TRC made its presence known.

Even before any of the shooting started TRC had left its mark.  A crew of highpower shooters had prepared 210 targets and hauled them up to Ben Avery.  Each target bore the TRC stamp.  TRC also supplied half the rapidfire scoreboards and water coolers; each with a TRC decal.  Nearly half of the volunteer line and pit officials were from TRC.  Finally, there were the red TRC Highpower shirts worn by club members.  The combined effect was several out-of-state shooters said they thought that Ben Avery Range WAS Tucson Rifle Club!

When the Western Games were over and awards handed out TRC shooters just about did own the range.  Together they had won the John C Garand Match, placed Second in the Springfield Match (only one point shy of winning), posted the day's overall high score, and carried off almost 20% the achievement medals awarded in the two Garand Matches and the separate Springfield and Vintage Rifle Matches.  The winner and first place finisher among competitors eligible for EIC points in the Garand Excellence-In-Competition Match were also from TRC.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Match Results category from October 2007.

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