2011 Legacy Match


The 2011 Legacy Team Match will be held on Sunday 13 March 2011 at Rio Salado Sportsman' Club in Mesa http://members.cox.net/azjrhp/legacy.htm
This is a four shooter 200yd reduced target team match with all proceeds going to fund the AZ Junior Rifle Team's trip to The National Matches at Camp Perry OH.  That means the Juniors do all the pit pulling.  The $25 per shooter entry fee includes lunch in the Rio clubhouse after the match.
Who wants to go?
There is a limit of 15 teams so entries need to be made ASAP.
After the rain-out of Washington's Birthday, here's a chance to double-down.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by luiten published on February 23, 2011 8:15 AM.

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3 gun match this Sunday at TRC is the next entry in this blog.

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