TRC's new upgraded Weblog

As you can see, TRC's blog page has changed.  Our old software, Movable Type v 3.15 was quite old and has now been updated to MT v 4.0. 

MT4 is basically a rewrite of the program.  As with all such upgrades, there is much to be learned in order to incorporate our main website's look and feel.  I'm not positive when and if I'll have such time to do this as I did for the last blog page. 

Until then I have chosen a default page style, "minimalist grey", and added back some of the RSS feeds we've gotten used to.  I've not incorporated our navigation links as of yet, so use your browser's back button until then.  Headers and footers are pending as well.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by luiten published on October 25, 2007 1:29 PM.

2nd entry was the previous entry in this blog.

2007 CMP Western Games and Creedmoor Cup is the next entry in this blog.

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.

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