May 2007 Archives

Range Safety Improvements


Over the next three to four weeks the club will be doing several projects to bring various ranges up to the safety standards required by AZ Game & Fish.

First priority is to build dirt and telephone pole target stand berms at 25, 50, and 75 yards on the public ranges. These will raise the target heights to the same level as the shooter reducing the chance of a ricochet off the hard pan of the range floor.

Second priority is to build a wall along the right side of the 1000 Yard firing line. Once it is built G&F will allow the simultaneous use of the 1000yd, Action, and Pistol Silhouette Ranges.

This wall will be built of telephone poles, plywood walls, and dirt fill. It needs to be 100ft long and 12ft high.

Tucson 1000 Yard Match - May


We are planning to hold our monthly 1000 yard prone match at Tucson Rifle Club on Sunday, May 27, 2007, our regularly scheduled day. Please note the start and finish times, which must be strictly adhered to.

We have received new guidance from Game & Fish which allows the Garand Match to operate concurrently with the Altar Valley Pistoleros cowboy match.

So we're returning to the *50-shot* course of fire for this Sunday's match.

If you're not buying club ammo be sure to bring enough of your own.

This new guidance will also allow us to shoot at a slightly less frenetic pace than last month ;-)

However, we still want to get the first round downrange as close to 0700 as possible to beat the heat.

Generally speaking, things are back to the way they were.

See you at the match,


May John C Garand Match


Just a reminder and a heads-up,

Tucson Rifle Club's monthly John C Garand Match will be held this coming Sunday 20 May 07.

Beginning *next* month Altar Valley Pistoleros will shift to afternoons eliminating the conflict with our match.

To cut them a break *this* month we're going to shoot a 40-shot match. There will be the normal 5 sighters but only 10 record shots slowfire prone. Both rapids and standing remain 10 shots.

Even with the reduced number of shots we still need to start early and step out during the match. Do not dawdle during pit changes. Once the match is complete we need to leave the range ASAP. Awards and BS sessions will be done at the range office.

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