October 2006 Archives

A report on Col. Jeff Cooper's funeral


What follows is a posting yesterday (10/14/06) on the "BPCR.net" Forum.

Col. Jeff Cooper's funeral, as described by Dean Caputo:

M1 for Vets Project (photos included)


The M1 for Vets Project is a grass-roots program aimed at thanking our wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen for their service and sacrifice in the Global War on Terror. Rifles are presented to veterans who wish to pursue the shooting sports or collecting as part of their rehabilitation.

This September Tucson Rifle Club’s monthly John C Garand Match was the venue for the presentation of an M1 Garand rifle to Robert Bartlett of Scottsdale, AZ.

Robert gave up a successful civilian career to enlist in the US Army after September 11th. Trained as a sniper, he deployed to Iraq and was severely wounded in the fighting there. Robert came to the attention of the M1 for Vets Project while he was undergoing treatment for his wounds at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

PRGC Patriot's Match


Phoenix Rod & Gun Club is hosting its annual Patriot's Match on Saturday 11 Nov 06 (Veteran's Day) starting at 0800.

It's a four shooter, 50-shot National Match Course fired on reduced targets from 200yd. BBQ lunch afterwards.

Details at http://www.phoenixrodandgun.org/patriotsmatch06.htm

If you're interested in forming a TRC team let me know.


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