J C Garand and Vintage Military Rifle
Match Bulletins

Date Submitted: 19 December 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 17 Dec 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 9

                                    K-31 – 3

                                    M1A – 1

                                    AR-15 – 5

6.  Ammunition: Six competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued - 12

            b. Any Rifle - 6 (3 Juniors)

8.      Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Jim Denovchek 474-5X (K-31) Match Winner
  2. Robert Harper 456-5X (Garand) Garand High Score
  3. Ron Foos 455-5X (Garand)
  4. Pete Wolf 455-3X (Garand)
  5. Maury Krupp 449-6X (Garand)
  6. Jim Killian 449-3X (Garand)
  7. Mark Harmon 430-8X (Garand)
  8. Randy Dwornik 422-2 (K-31)
  9. Matthew Buchanan 399-2X (Garand)
  10. Kevin Josker 387-2X (Garand)
  11. Lee McKinney 374-3X (K-31)
  12. Bill Reitzc 308-0X (Garand)

           b. Any Rifle

  1. Fritz Ficke 481-15X (AR-15)
  2. Brad Josker 460-2X (AR-15)
  3. Don Travers 451-10X (M1A)
  4. Lee Ficke 410-8X (AR-15) High Junior
  5. Jeremiah Dluehosh 281-0X (AR-15) (Junior)
  6. Bowdie Freeman 177-0X (AR-15) (Junior)

Date Submitted: 19 November 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 19 Nov 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 10

                                    M1903 – 1

                                    K-31 – 1

                                    M14/M1A – 3

                                    AR-15 – 10

                                    Robinson XCR – 1

                                   NRA Match Rifle – 1

6.  Ammunition: Ten competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued - 12

            b. Any Rifle (reduced) - 4

            c. Any Rifle - 11 (3 Juniors)

8.      Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Lee McKinney 470-9X (K-31) Match Winner
  2. Jim Denovchek 469-5X (Springfield)
  3. Ron Foos 464-7X (Garand) Garand High Score
  4. Bill Orzechowski 460-8X (Garand)
  5. Maury Krupp 458-3X (Garand)
  6. Karl Kasarda 456-6X (Garand)
  7. Kim Wood 452-5X (Garand)
  8. Michael Beasock 437-2X (Garand)
  9. John Kuhns 428-6X (Garand)
  10. Phil McGrath 394-1X (Garand)
  11. Kelvin Javier 380-1X (Garand)
  12. Dan Baranowicz 318-0X (Garand)

      b. “Any Rifle” Reduced Targets

  1. Pete Wolf 484-17X (NRA Match Rifle)
  2. Jeff Schneider 479-12X (AR-15)
  3. Bob Harper 479-3X (M14)
  4. Fritz Ficke 470-8X (AR-15)

       c. “Any Rifle”

  1. Dave Johnson 478-10X (AR-15)
  2. Greg Fallon 469-7X (AR-15)
  3. Darryl Smith 466-10 (AR-15)
  4. Lee Ficke 459-8X (AR-15) High Junior
  5. Blaine Painter 443-4X (AR-15)
  6. Brian Lukow 428-2X (Robinson XCR)
  7. Skip Blecker 424-7X (AR-15)
  8. Kyle Blecker 390-3X (AR-15) Junior
  9. Stacey McGrath 368-3X (M1A)
  10. John Bachynski 309-1X (M1A)
  11. Justin Ogle 231-1X (AR-15) Junior

Date Submitted: 15 October 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 15 Oct 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Tucson, AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 10

                                    M1903 Rifle – 3

                                    M14 – 2

                                    AR-15 – 6

                                    NRA Match Rifle - 1

6.  Ammunition: Eight competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued - 13

            b. Any Rifle (reduced) - 3

            c. Any Rifle - 6 (1 Junior)

8.  Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Lee McKinney 478-14X (Springfield) Match Winner
  2. Ron Foos 464-7X (Garand) Garand High Score
  3. Jim Denovchek 464-6X (Springfield)
  4. Maury Krupp 457-2X (Garand)
  5. Karl Kasarda 452-5X (Garand)
  6. Randy Dwornik 447-11X (Garand)
  7. Kim Wood 444-3X (Garand)
  8. Bill Orzechowski 443-6X (Garand)
  9. Bob Noonan 441-6X (Garand)
  10. Peter Wolf 429-1X (Garand)
  11. John Kuhns 426-2X (Springfield)
  12. Fred Stansbury 417-3X (Garand)
  13. Dave Johnson 404-5X (Garand)

      b. “Any Rifle” Reduced Targets

  1. Jeff Schneider 469-11X (AR-15)
  2. Darryl Smith 453-11X (AR-15)
  3. Rick Smart 407-7X (NRA Match Rifle)

      c. “Any Rifle”

  1. Cecil Rico 487-15X (AR-15)
  2. Greg Fallon 485-21X (AR-15)
  3. Bob Harper 475-10X (M14)
  4. Tyler Rico 468-9X (AR-15)
  5. Vicki Rico 420-2X (AR-15)
  6. Dan Baranowicz 398-2X (M14)

Date Submitted: 17 September 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 17 Sep 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 10

                                    M1903 – 2

                                    M14/M1A – 6

                                    AR-15 – 7                 

6.  Ammunition: Nine competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued – 12

            b. Any Rifle - 13 (3 Juniors)

8.      Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Kim Wood 452-4X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
  2. Jim Denovchek 447-3X (Garand)
  3. Pete Wolf 444-6X (Garand)
  4. Maury Krupp 443-5X (Garand)
  5. Ron Foos 438-9X (Garand)
  6. Karl Kasarda 434-2X (Garand)
  7. Robert Noonan 431-4X (Springfield)
  8. Randy Dwornik 430-5X (Springfield)
  9. Bob Harper 414-0X (Garand)
  10. John Wells 406-3X (Garand)
  11. Robert Bartlett 403-1X (Garand)
  12. Mike Rudolph 327-0X (Garand)

     c. Any Rifle

  1. Cecil Rico 485-16X (AR-15)
  2. Jeff Schneider 482-13X (AR-15)
  3. Friz Ficke 477-13X (AR-15)
  4. Ron Mendez 474-11X (M14)
  5. Don Travers 468-11X (M1A)
  6. Skip Blecker 433-3X (M1A)
  7. Stacey McGrath 431-4X (M1A)
  8. Tom Woodrow 426-3X (M1A)
  9. Lee Ficke 423-2X (AR-15) High Junior
  10. Julian Wilcox 422-2X (AR-15) Junior
  11. Phil McGrath 417-1X (M1A)
  12. Ed Ross 403-4X (AR-15)
  13. Kyle Blecker 392-2X (AR-15) Junior

Date Submitted: 20 August 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 20 Aug 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 11

                                    Mauser – 1

                                    M14/M1A – 2

                                    AR-15 – 7

                                    Hakim – 1

6.  Ammunition: Nine competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued – 10

            b. Any Rifle - 12 (2 Juniors)

8.      Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Maury Krupp 454-4X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
  2. Jim Denovchek 447-6X (Mauser)
  3. Kim Wood 434-4X (Garand)
  4. John Kuhns 430-1X (Garand)
  5. Bob Harper 404-2X (Garand)
  6. Andy Whiteside 399-1X (Garand)
  7. Brad Metcalf 394-2X (Garand)
  8. Phil McGrath 394-0X (Garand)
  9. Doug Weems 378-3X (Garand)
  10. John Whiteside 366-4X (Garand)

      c. “Any Rifle”

  1. Pete Wolf 493-24X (AR-15)
  2. Karl Kasarda 487-21X (AR-15)
  3. Ron Mendez 483-9X (M14)
  4. Fritz Ficke 463-10X (AR-15)
  5. Ron Foos 441-4X (NM Garand)
  6. Stacey McGrath 433-11X (AR-15)
  7. Skip Blecker 425-4X (M1A)
  8. Lee Ficke 421-2X (AR-15) High Junior
  9. Robert Banks 417-1X (.308 Garand)
  10. Edward Ross 411-3X (AR-15)
  11. Kyle Blecker 367-1X (AR-15)
  12. Jack Powell 363-1X (Hakim)

Date Submitted: 16 July 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 16 Jul 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points , AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 12

                                    M1903 – 1

                                    M1A – 1

                                    Mauser – 1

                                    Hakim – 1

                                    AR-15 – 7

6.  Ammunition: Eight competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued – 12 (1 Junior)

            b. Any Rifle - 11 (1 Junior)

8.      Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Bill Orzechowski 462-4X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
  2. Jim Denovchek 457-4X (Mauser)
  3. Maury Krupp 450-9X (Garand)
  4. John Wells 435-4X (Garand)
  5. Ron Foos 431-4X (Garand)
  6. Randy Dwornik 429-6X ( Springfield )
  7. John Kuhns 428-1X (Garand)
  8. Brian Lukow 417-3X (Garand)
  9. Bob Harper 412-2X (Garand)
  10. Levi Foos 405-1X (Garand) High Junior
  11. Eric Rotter 399-2X (Garand)
  12. Casey Justen 376-3X (Garand)

            c. “Any Rifle”

  1. Karl Kasarda 477-18X (AR-15)
  2. Jeff Schneider 456-11X (AR-15)
  3. Phil McGrath 449-4X (AR-15)
  4. Stacey McGrath 443-5X (AR-15)
  5. Skip Blecker 434-2X (M1A)
  6. Brad Metcalf 425-4X (M1 NM)
  7. Ron Mendez 417-2X (M1 .308)
  8. Pete Wolf 410-11X (AR-15)
  9. Jack Powell 392-1X (Hakim)
  10. Ed Ross 369-1X (AR-15)
  11. Kyle Blecker 294-2X (AR-15)

Date Submitted: 18 June 2006

1.  Date/time of match: 18 Jun 06 0700

2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 9

                                    M1903 – 2

                                    M1A – 2

                                    AR-15 – 10

6.  Ammunition: Four competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

7.  Number of Competitors:

            a. As Issued - 9

            b. Any Rifle - 14 (2 Juniors)

8.   Match Results:

      a. As Issued

  1. Maury Krupp 461-5X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
  2. Karl Kasarda 453-1X (Garand)
  3. Lee McKinney 450-4X (Springfield)
  4. Randy Dwornik 443-6X (Springfield)
  5. Mark Meister 426-4X (Garand)
  6. Kim Wood 405-8X (Garand)
  7. John Wells 401-3X (Garand)
  8. Jim Killian 388-2X (Garand)
  9. Steven Justen 357-3X (Garand)

        c. Any Rifle

  1. Pete Wolf 485-18 (AR-15)
  2. Darryl Smith 476-10 (AR-15)
  3. Stacey McGrath 454-11X (AR-15)
  4. Lynn Heffern 454-10X (AR-15)
  5. David Claeson 451-4X (M1A)
  6. Phil McGrath 450-3X (AR-15)
  7. George Taylor 447-10X (.308 Garand)
  8. Zack Taylor 445-10X (.308 Garand)
  9. Cosme Ibarra 417-1X (M1A)
  10. Edward Ross 378-1X (AR-15)
  11. Ray Blecker 362-1X (AR-15)
  12. Marshall Ojerio 353-0X (AR-15)
  13. Kyle Blecker 291-1X (AR-15) High Junior
  14. Matthew Ojerio 193-0X (AR-15)

    Date Submitted: 21 May 2006

    1.  Date/time of match: 21 May 06 0700

    2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

    3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

    4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

    5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 13

                                        M1A – 2

                                        AR-15 – 3

    6.  Ammunition: Five competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

    7.  Number of Competitors:

                a. As Issued - 12

                b. Any Rifle (reduced) - 1

                c. Any Rifle - 5 (2 Juniors)

    8.      Match Results:

          a. As Issued

    1. Lee McKinney 475-13X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
    2. Bill Orzechowski 465-7X (Garand)
    3. Maury Krupp 463-9X (Garand)
    4. Pete Wolf 447-2X (Garand)
    5. Kim Wood 440-8X (Garand)
    6. Randy Dwornik 440-2X (Garand)
    7. Doug Weems 418-9X (Garand)
    8. Jim Killian 416-1X (Garand)
    9. Mark Decker 414-2X (Garand)
    10. Brad Metcalf 406-4X (Garand)
    11. Cecil Rico 370-1X (Garand)
    12. Fred Stansbury 346-2X (Garand)

                b. Any Rifle - Reduced Targets

    1. Karl Kasarda 480-11X (AR-15)

                c. Any Rifle

    1. Tyler Rico 445-10X (AR-15) High Junior
    2. David Claeson 441-6X (M1A)
    3. Ron Mendez 422-2X (Garand .308)
    4. Ray Blecker 346-1X (M1A)
    5. Matthew Ojerio 338-1X (AR-15) (Junior)

    Date Submitted: 16 April 2006

    1.  Date/time of match: 16 Apr 06 0700

    2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

    3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

    4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

    5.  Rifles Used:             M1 Rifle – 5

                                        M1903 – 1

                                        Mauser – 1

                                        K-31 – 1

                                        M1A – 2

                                        AR-15 – 4

    6.  Ammunition: Three competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

    7.  Number of Competitors:

      a. As Issued - 8

                b. Any Rifle (reduced) - 2

                c. Any Rifle - 4 (1 Junior)


    8.      Match Results:


          a. As Issued

    1. Maury Krupp 457-3X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
    2. Lee McKinney 456-6X (Mauser)
    3. Pete Wolf 455-4X (Garand)
    4. Randy Dwornik 450-8X (Garand)
    5. Jim Denovchek 449-5X (K-31)
    6. David Claeson 433-4X (Springfield)
    7. Ron Foos 425-4X (Garand)
    8. Rudy Arriaga 239-1X (Garand)


          b. Any Rifle Reduced Targets

    1. Karl Kasarda 484-13X (AR-15)
    2. Bob Pirisky 466-4X (AR-15)


          c. Any Rifle

    1. Don Travers 465-10X (M1A)
    2. Lynn Heffern 461-6X (AR-15)
    3. Phil McGrath 431-3X (M1A)
    4. Steve Kelly 324-0X (AR-15) (Junior)

    Date Submitted: 19 March 2006

    Tucson Rifle Club's John C Garand and Vintage Military Rifle Match scheduled for 19 Mar 06 was cancelled due to rain.

    Date Submitted: 19 February 2006

    1.  Date/time of match: 19 Feb 06 0700

    2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

    3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

    4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

    5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 13

                                        M1903 – 2

                                        M1 Carbine - 1

                                        M14/M1A – 1

                                        AR-15 – 6

    6.  Ammunition: Nine competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

    7.  Number of Competitors:

                a. As Issued - 14

                b. Any Rifle (reduced) - 3

                c. Any Rifle - 6 (1 Junior)

    8.      Match Results:

          a. As Issued

    1. Lee McKinney 472-6X (Garand) Match Winner - Garand High Score
    2. Jim Denovchek 469-10X (Garand)
    3. Ryan Calhoon 468-9X (Garand)
    4. Pete Wolf 449-3X (Garand)
    5. Randy Dwornik 447-7X (Garand)   
    6. Bill Orzechowski 444-3X (Garand)
    7. Karl Kasarda 431-3X (Springfield)
    8. Kim Wood 431-2X (Garand)
    9. David Claeson 428-2X (Garand)
    10.  Mark Decker 424-2X (Garand)
    11.  Jeff Calhoon 423-3X (Garand)
    12.  Warren Dean 422-3X (Garand)
    13.  Maury Krupp 405-1X (Carbine)
    14.  Paul Morissette 350-1X (Garand)

         b. Any Rifle Reduced Targets

    1. Jeffrey Schneider 473-6X (AR-15)
    2. Cecil Rico 466-10X (AR-15)
    3. Rick Smart 458-6X (AR-15)

         c. Any Rifle

    1. Darryl Smith 489-12X (AR-15)
    2. Greg Fallon 482-10X (NM Springfield)
    3. Ron Mendez 453-3X (NM Garand)
    4. Phil McGrath 439-4X (M1A)
    5. Stacey McGrath 416-5X (AR-15)
    6. Steven Kelly 351-3X (AR-15)

    Date Submitted: 15 January 2006

    1.  Date/time of match: 15 Jan 06 0700

    2.  Sponsored by: Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ.

    3.  Match open to: Any person eligible under current CMP Rules.

    4.  Rules & Match Course: Current CMP Competition Rules, Garand Match-Course B.

    5.  Rifles Used:        M1 Rifle – 10

                                        M1903 – 2

                                        Swedish Mauser - 1

                                        M14/M1A – 3

                                        AR-15 – 7


    6.  Ammunition: Nine competitors purchased club ammunition.  All others furnished their own ammunition.

    7.  Number of Competitors:

                a. As Issued - 10

                b. Any Rifle (reduced) - 2

                c. Any Rifle - 11 (3 Juniors)

    8.      Match Results:

       a. As Issued

    1. Lee McKinney 467-5X (Mauser) Match Winner
    2. Randy Dwornik 454-3X (Springfield)   
    3. Maury Krupp 453-5X (Garand) Garand High Score
    4. Bob Pirisky 449-1X (Springfield)
    5. Jim Denovchek 445-2X (Garand)
    6. David Claeson 441-6X (Garand)
    7. Bob Harper 416-0X (Garand)
    8. Phil McGrath 393-2X (Garand)
    9. Earl Merritt 262-1X (Garand)
    10. Rudy Arriaga 262-0X (Garand)

                b. “Any Rifle” Reduced Targets

    1. Jeffrey Schneider 452-5X (AR-15)
    2. Kim Wood 449-5X (M14)

                c. “Any Rifle”

    1. Lynn Heffern 467-9X (AR-15)
    2. Pete Wolf 466-5X (NM Garand)
    3. Ron Mendez 461-5X (NM Garand)
    4. Bill Orzechowski 460-4X (NM Garand)
    5. John Emery 459-5X (AR-15)
    6. Don Travers 449-11X (M1A)
    7. Tyler Rico 437-6X (AR-15) (junior)
    8. Stacey McGrath 397-3X (AR-15)
    9. John Bachynski 376-2X (M1A)
    10. Steven Kelly 312-0X (AR-15) (junior)
    11. Jon Monreal 242-1 (Garand/AR-15) (junior)

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    Last modified Sunday, December 17, 2006